Imagine you made a big beautiful house 20 years ago but didn’t go through any major renovations or upkeep post-that. How do you think the construction will seem like time passes or compared to modern buildings of today’s time?

In the growing digitalization, more and more businesses are going digital and striving to grow.

Websites are your digital space. They let you communicate with your clients, customers, search engines, etc., and let everyone know who you are as a brand.

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Some Statistics

  • There are around 26.2 million eCommerce websites globally today, registering a staggering growth from 19.8 million in 2021 and 9.7 million in 2020.
  • According to data, around 36% of businesses are now registering sales through online mediums.
  • Another important data revealed that around 51% of businesses now engage with their clients and customers more through online platforms than offline.
  • 70% of small and medium businesses (SMBs) are investing more in their online presence, with 64% of all SMBs having a website and 35% actively encouraging digital payment methods.
  • A few reasons why businesses fail online are - bad visibility on search engines and poor marketing.

So, why should you really update websites?

Well, the one that you made earlier would require constant upgradation and for the right reasons. This article covers the top reasons to update the website regularly.

Top 8 Reasons to Update the Website

The design element of your website can be a real game changer as it incorporates everything to make your website functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Factors like the color themes, the navigability of your website, apt visual content, etc., play an essential role in keeping your website engaging. Also, design trends aren’t just about colors and shapes on your pages; you can incorporate so many other elements, like websites that are cleaner, lighter, and simpler are preferred more nowadays.

Along with that, a few of the most recent trends you can incorporate into your website are graphic elements, motion UI, micro animations, VR, custom illustrations, 3D content, etc.

Adopting and Adapting to New Technologies

Technology changes fast and constantly. And any tech stack aims to make the website lighter, faster, and more secure, enhancing user experience. Upgrading your website with the latest technologies will upgrade you on those counts and help you deliver great UI and UX with with consequent improvement in website ranking.

Web standards also change annually, dictating new trends, technologies, and guidelines for best website practices.

Outdated technologies could mean issues like high loading speed, incompatibility with the latest browsers, etc., which might lead to a bad user experience.

Standing Within the Competition with Improved SEO Ranking

How often should you update your website for improved SEO ranking? Google’s algorithms register changes every ½ year, and minor changes happen anytime. You can track those to make modifications as required.

In terms of content as well, Google’s algorithms have become specific in terms of the quality and quantity of the content.

For example, websites that are updated frequently with quality and relevant content rank higher. Also, websites should be authoritative and trustworthy. Along with that, content should be designed keeping the user’s interests in mind, with anything affecting life decisions to be written by professionals.

The Process of Rebranding

Your website reflects your business. Any changes you make, however small, need to reflect on your website as well. It might be more relevant if it’s connected to your brand strategy. Your website must align with your business strategy and goals, making rebranding one of the important reasons to update the website.

Also, ensure you have coherent and consistent content with the brand objectives across all platforms. Along with that effective Calls to Action (CTA) is another thing that should promote your overall brand image and interests.

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Incorporating Integrations

Technology has made our life easy. It does that to your website’s performance as well. There are various third-party apps and plugins that can be integrated into a website for better functionality. In fact, one of the primary reasons to redesign websites is to be able to incorporate the required plugins. Examples include MailChimp, CMS, Boast, Payment Gateways, Google Analytics, etc.

Also, sometimes you might need to modify code or redesign your website to add plugins, but it’s a required step if you wish to stay ahead of the game.

For Security and Data Safety

Data protection is a must for all parties involved. Outdated technologies can cave under modern hacking attempts resulting in a data breach, and the hacked servers can be used for spam too. Complying with the latest data security measures by regularly upgrading your website and Content Management System is essential. Also, if your website uses custom-built security, you should ensure that it adheres to the latest standards.

For your website’s security, you can adopt measures like SSL,secure web platforms (like WordPress), or web development companies that prioritize data security.

Improving Flexibility and Mobile Responsiveness

We have adapted to a lifestyle of constantly being on the go. Result?

According to some statistics, 72% of people prefer mobile-friendly websites, 50% of revenue from eCommerce is from mobile, 94% of people judge a website on its responsive design, and around 60% of internet access is through mobile.

What does it show?

Websites that are not mobile responsive or flexible might fade away from the potential customer’s mind. Now the trend has shifted to mobile-first web development. That is, websites are first created for phones and thereon adapted for the desktop version.

Mobile optimization and flexibility are other reasons to update the website to incorporate features that enhance user experience.

You can check your mobile friendliness score with Google’s mobile-friendly test.

Improving Page Loading Speed

A website’s page load time is how fast users get to see the content after clicking on the website. It is one of the signals used by google to rank pages.

According to some statistics, even a one-second delay in load time can lead to a 16% drop in customer satisfaction and a 7% drop in conversion rates. Poor loading speed is also one of the primary reasons for the high bounce rate.

A few causes of poor loading speed areunoptimized images, heavy and unclean coding, excessive ads and HTTP requests, etc. Also, make sure that your website is easily navigable for higher UX. You can check your website’s loading time at Google PageSpeed Insights.

Signals That Show When to Update Your Website

  • Bad page loading time.
  • High bounce rate.
  • Low conversion rate.
  • Bad on-site time.
  • No mobile optimization/no mobile version.
  • Your website uses the HTTP protocol.
  • If your website is old (for example, 5 years or so with no changes) or making changes is difficult.
  • Broken links/URLs (internal/external).

How To Make Updates To Your Website

  • Review the old design and update
  • Analyze the website data (metrics like bounce rate and churn rate) to gauge the performance of your website and to know which areas require changes.
  • Analyze your competitors
  • Modernize your site by adding multimedia features to engage the audience.
  • Perform testing to know what updates suit better with the audience.


Updating your website as and when required can have tremendous benefits, keeping you high in organic search ranking. An authentic and experienced best mobile app development company can help you in the process. We have extensive experience upgrading websites to the required standards in today’s competitive landscape. If you seek to hire flutter app developers to meet your upgradation requirement, we are here for you.

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